
Born in Mumbai brought up in Baroda and Bangkok, I went through a variety of cultures very early in life. So far, I have lived in Baroda, Mumbai, Bangkok, Pune, Cardiff, London and Egypt and absorbed a little bit of everything that my tiny self could. One thing that stayed constant amongst all the change was my love for dressing up, observing what other people wore, following trends, spending hours in local boutiques and experimenting with different attires. I knew this wasnt just a hobby but my passion when I would call in sick at work  to go to a sample sale in or spend my weekend walking in and out through tiny lanes of vintage markets. I’d happily oblige to help friends and acquaintances to shop for a regular wardrobe upgrade or even special occasions although my full-time real job was being a publicist. I spent 7 years in the field of public relations/events, with various agencies across various cities and countries and also recently set up a partnership image consultancy; but nothing gave me the satisfaction that styling, writing, following trends, fashion across various cultures does!

I guess it’s never too late to pursue your dreams and here I am! Living mine 🙂




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